July 22, 2024, Monday. I have posted the campaign promises that Donald Trump made at his acceptance speech on Thursday, July 18, 2024.  I will add more later.

​July 4, 2024, Thursday. I have posted my Happy Fourth of July wish on my Comments page.  

June 15, 2024, Saturday. I have posted a little note of my recent losses at the Niagara Falls Chess Tournament last week (June 8, 2024) on my More About Me page just above my "Scrabble" heading.

​May 2, 2024, Thursday. I have posted my summary of 60 Minutes from last week (April 28, 2024) with four comments.

​April 29, 2024, Monday. I have noted my 75th birthday which I celebrated sixteen days ago. It is on my More About Me page just above "Lost Another Tooth" heading. 

April 23, 2024, Tuesday. I have posted my summary of 60 Minutes from last week (Apr. 21, 2024) with three comments. There's still some catching up for me to do.

​April 7, 2024 Sunday. I have added another comment to the "Law of The Sea" segment. 

​March 24, 2024 Sunday. I have posted my summary of 60 Minutes from last week. (Mar. 24, 2024) with five comments.

​March 23, 2024, Saturday. I have posted my summary of 60 Minutes from last week. (Mar. 17, 2024) with four comments.

​​March 16, 2024, Saturday. I have posted my summary of 60 Minutes from last week (Mar. 10, 2024) with one comment.

February 8, 2024, Thursday. I have posted my summary of 60 Minutes from last week (Feb. 4th) with one comment on my 60 Minutes page.

​January 21, 2024, Sunday. I have posted my summary of 60 Minutes from last week (Jan. 14th) with eight comments on my 60 Minutes page.

January 1, 2024, Monday. I've added a Happy New Years wish on my Comments page. 

​December 25, 2023, Monday. A small holiday greeting on my Comments page.

December 12, 2023 Tuesday. On this day, I had surgery at WNY Dermatology in Williamsville NY for the removal of basal cancer near my right temple. I made a little note of that in my More About Me page under Skin Cancer.

November 25, 2023, Saturday. I have posted my summary of 60 Minutes of November 12th with three comments on my 60 Minutes page.

November 23, 2023 Thursday. I have posted a short Happy Thanksgiving Day wish for everyone on my Comments page.

​November 10, 2023 Friday. I have posted my summary of 60 Minutes of November 5th with a few comments.

November 5, 2023 Sunday. I have posted my summary of 60 Minutes of October 29, 2023 with five comments.

November 4, 2023 Saturday. I have added more to my "Israel Under Attack" comment on my Comment page.

October 18, 2023 Wednesday. Yesterday, Oct. 17, Tuesday, I went to my appointment at WNY Dermatology, in Williamsville NY. That story is on my More About Me page under Skin Cancer.  

October 10, 2023 Tuesday. I have started posting my thoughts on the new war in Israel which I started two days ago. 
I have also started to post the summary of last Sunday's 60 Minutes program.

September 27, 2023 Wednesday. I have finished my summary of Sunday's 60 Minutes; and I have included three comments on my 60 Minutes page.

September 22, 2023, Friday. I have written a summary of last Sunday's 60 Minutes; and I have included one comment on my 60 Minutes page.

September 11, 2023 Monday. I have posted a brief comment on the 9/11 attacks on my Comments page. I intend to add more to it later on.

September 13, 2023 Wednesday. I have finished my comment on the 9/11 attacks on my Comments page.

September 4, 2023 Monday. I have noted the 60 Minutes rerun for September 3, 2023, on my 60 Minutes page.

September 4, 2023, Monday. I have posted a Happy Labor Day message on my Comments page.

August 28, 2023, Monday. I have noted the 60 Minutes rerun for August 27th on my 60 Minutes page.

August 22, 2023 Tuesday. I have noted the 60 Minutes rerun for August 20th on my 60 Minutes page.

August 14, 2023 Monday. I have noted the 60 Minutes reruns for August 13th on my 60 Minutes page.

July 13, 2023, Thursday. I have written four comments on last Sunday's 60 Minutes two segments on "The Revolution," which was originally aired on April 16th, 2023. They are found on my 60 Minutes page under the original date of April 16th.

July 4, 2023, Tuesday. A Happy Fourth of July wish on my Comments page.

June 19, 2023, Monday. I have written a summary of last night's 60 Minutes. Two of them were repeats. The one on The Red Hot Chili Peppers was one that I didn't see before. I wrote a summary on that along with six comments. 
Today, I went to have another piece of my face removed at Buffalo Medical Center by Dr. Paul Wirth. I had a little bit of skin cancer near the left side of my nose. The incision was stitched up. I am to go back to Buffalo Medical Center next week to have the stitches removed. 

June 16, 2023, Friday. I have written a summary of last Sunday's 60 Minutes. There was only segment on that day. The PGA tournament took up 40 extra minutes when 60 Minutes was scheduled to be shown. The segment they showed was "The Last Minute - with David Byrne of Talking Heads," which was aired on February 26th, 2023. I have added more information to my 60 Minutes page which I obtained from Wikipedia.

June 6, 2023, Tuesday. I have written a summary for last Sunday's 60 Minutes which was a repeat of January 8th 60 Minutes. It is found on my 60 Minutes page under January 8, 2023, with several comments.

May 28, 2023, Sunday. I have noted the topics in today's 60 Minutes which were aired at earlier dates. I have also made corrections on some spelling errors and other mistakes.

May 27, 2023, Saturday. I have added how the Beatles influenced rock music on my More About Me page after "Alice Debucky."

Mary 23, 2023 Tuesday. My summary of 60 Minutes, May 21st, and one comment is on my 60 Minutes page.

May 20, 2023, Saturday. I have made three comments on last Sunday's (the 14th) 60 Minutes on my 60 Minutes page.

May 10, 2023, Wednesday. A note on the chess tournament I went to last Saturday at Niagara Falls on my More About Me page just before "Scrabble." 

April 26, 2023, Wednesday. I have added a 60 Minutes from April 23 with comments. I've had a computer breakdown which made it difficult to publish my comments. I've also spent a lot time preparing for the chess tournament in Niagara Falls in May. 

April 13, 2023, Thursday. Today is my 74th birthday. I have noted that on my More About Me page just before Lost Another Tooth and Cure for Acne headings.

April 10, 2023, Monday. I have been a little negligent again. I haven't published anything since Mar. 14th. Today, I have published 60 Minutes summaries for Apr. 9, 2, Mar. 26, and 19 along with a few comments on Marjorie Taylor Greene. I still need to write comments on yesterday's 60 Minutes and a few programs that were done in the past. There's still a lot more to write about concerning MTG and religion. One magazine (Whistleblower) says that Wokism is now the official religion of the United States. 

March 14, 2023, Tuesday. I have added the 60 Minutes review of March 5th to my web site. The 60 Minutes segments on March 12 were repeats. 

March 2, 2023, Thursday. I have added five comments to the two 60 Minutes' segments on "The Girls of Sola." (Afghanistan)

February 27, 2023, Monday. A review of last night's 60 Minutes on my 60 Minutes page.  I have also included a Comment on the 1st segment about the Ukraine War.

February 20, 2023, Monday. A partial review of last night's 60 Minutes on my 60 Minutes page.

February 13, 2023, Monday. Last Sunday's 60 Minutes was a repeat of two previous segments, which I have noted on my 60 Minutes page. 

January 29, 2023, Sunday. More thoughts on the Bills/Bengals game and Fake Football are on my Comments page after 1/23. 

January 23, 2023, Monday. My thoughts on the Bills/Bengals game played yesterday is on my Comments page.

January 22, 2023, Sunday. I have been somewhat neglectful of my web site lately. I was working on 60 Minutes, Jan. 15; but I haven't finished it yet. I am mostly finished with last week's 60 Minutes. I still need to add two or more comments.

December 25, 2022, Sunday. A Merry Christmas wish on my Comments page.

December 3, 2022, Saturday. I have included a review of last week Sunday's (the 27th) 60 minutes with some comments to my 60 Minutes Page.

November 24, 2022, Thursday. Happy Thanksgiving Day! Comments Page.

November 16, 2022, Wednesday. I have posted my review of last Sunday's (November 13, 2022) 60 Minutes and one comment on my 60 Minutes page.

October 24, 2022, Monday. I have finished report on last week's show. I still have a few more comments to make on it. I have copied some notes on yesterday's three segments.

October 12, 2022, Wednesday. I have added five comments to the 60 Minutes segment on Taiwan to my 60 Minutes Page.

October 10, 2022, Monday. I have added a summary of yesterday's 60 Minutes to my 60 Minutes Page.

October 5, 2022, Wednesday. I've made a comment about the future of Ukrainia on my 60 Minutes Page.

October 4, 2022, Tuesday. I have begun to work on my report of last Sunday's 60 Minutes program. I am feeling a bit under the weather, so it's been slow going. 

Sept. 26, 2022, Sunday. Yesterday, I added more to my report on last week's 60 Minutes. I am still not finished with it. There is much I wish to comment on. Today, I have started my report on today's 60 Minutes segments. 

October 1 and 2, 2022 Sat. & Sun. I have added comments to my 60 Minutes page to segments 2 and 3 of last Sunday's show.

September 23, 2022 Friday. I have started writing about the new season of 60 Minutes that began last Sunday, Sept. 18th. I should finish my comments on it tomorrow.

Sept. 17, 2022 Saturday. I have added three more points to my article on the 9/11 attacks in my Comments page.

Sept. 12, 2022 Monday. I have begun listing the many mistakes we have made since the 9/11 attacks on my Comments page.

Sept. 10th Saturday. A few memories of Queen Elizabeth on my Comments page.

Sept. 3rd to Sept. 6th, 2022. I have added a second paragraph to my "Basket of Deplorables, Part 2," on my Comments page.

August 27, 2022 Saturday. I am editing my About Me page, and I am trying to make it more readable.

August 20, 2022 Saturday. I have concluded my comment on the FBI raid on Trump's home.

August 13, 2022 Saturday. I've added my email address to my About Me page. I thought my Contact Us page was accessible on my Home page. It's not. So if you have something nice to say to me or about my website, drop me a line.

August 12, 2022 Friday. My view on the raid on Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, is on my Comment page.

August 6, 2022 Saturday. I have started on my Comment page the news about Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan.

July 31, 2022 Sunday. Thinking back to the Great Alaskan Earthquake - Good Friday 1964 on my More About Me page under Alaska.

July 26, 2022 Tuesday. Read what one nun teacher had to say about laziness on my comment on the February 7th, 2022 show, 3rd segment under "Canada's Unmarked Graves."

July 23, 2022 Saturday. I have included some more evidence that shows the universe is young and not billions of years old.

July 16, 2022 Saturday. I have added more to my article on the James Webb Space Telescope on my Comments page.

July 13, 2022 Tuesday. I have started my comments on my Comments page on the James Webb Space Telescope that just began its mission of studying the universe.

July 9, 2022 Saturday. I've added a line at the end of my Abortion page.

July 4, 2022 Monday. A short Happy Fourth of July message is on my Comments page.

July 2, 2022 Saturday. I've posted a few Alaskan jokes on my More About Me page under Alaska.

June 29, 2022 Wednesday. I've added two more points at the end of my Abortion page.

June 28, 2022 Tuesday. I've added a Bible verse near the end of my Abortion page for Nancy Pelosi.

June 26, 2022 Sunday. I have added a little more to my June 24, 2022 comment on the reversal of Roe vs. Wade on my Abortion page.

June 24, 2022 Friday. My promise has changed due to my old age. See More About Me page, under Promise. I have also corrected the grammar and spelling mistakes on my Abortion page, plus I've begun to comment on the reversal of Roe vs. Wade at the bottom of the page.

June 22, 2022 Wednesday. A little more on Alaska on my More About Me page under "Historic Events In My Life."

June 19, 2022 Sunday. My conclusion to the Jan. 6th hearings on my Comment page.

June 18, 2022 Saturday. I would need to change my promise of working on my web site from 5 days a week to 4 days a week. 

June 17, 2022 Friday. Turn that radio off! A few lines about music in Islam on my  "Islam" page under "Other Information on Islam."

June 16, 2022 Thursday. Lost a tooth. See "More About Me" page just before "Cure for Acne," item.

June 13, 2022 Monday. I have added a little more to my comment on the January 6th riot hearings plus a video of Sean Hannity and Tulsi Gabbard about some background into the riots and the hearings on my Comment page. 

January 6th riot hearings on my Comment page.

June 10, 2022 Friday. I've added a little more to the Second Amendment in my Comment page.

June 9, 2022 Thursday. I changed a line in the Buffalo Massacre in my Comment page.

June 8, 2022 Wednesday. I have added one more line to the Second Amendment comment.

June 7, 2022 Tuesday. I have commented about the Second Amendment--that we should have the right to bear arms. It's on my Comments page.

June 6, 2022 Monday. I have written about how disastrous D-Day nearly was on my Comments page, under Remembering D-Day below June 6, 2018.

What's New

This page is about my most recent additions to my website. There's a lot going on in the world. I think this page will be helpful to guide you to my latest thoughts on the latest news from the war in Ukraine to the mass murders and other news that are taking place in the world.
